
Pay As You Save (PAYS) Interest Form

The Pay As You Save (PAYS) program is designed to help you lower your bill through energy-efficiency upgrades with little to no upfront costs for you.

To get started, let's find out more about you and your home to see if this is the right program for you.

If you meet current guidelines, you could receive free in-home upgrades or financial assistance to weatherize your home.
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Since mobile homes can be relocated, Spire PAYS is not available for any mobile homes without a permanent foundation or without secure underpinning. What type of foundation/underpinning does your mobile home have?
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As it appears on your Spire residential natural gas bill.
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As it appears on your Spire residential natural gas bill.
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This is the account number that appears on your Spire residential natural gas bill. Include any zeros at the beginning.
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Where to find my Spire account number?

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Check if you would like to receive communications via text. Our communications do not contain advertising and your information is not shared. Data messaging rates may apply depending on your carrier.
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Listing an email will allow our process to happen much faster. Email is used to receive your report and to esign documents.
15 steps remaining
I agree to receive emails from Spire at the email address provided for this program. These emails may contain my PAYS Easy Plan, PAYS process communications and documents for e-signature, information about Spire products and services; other energy related products, services and programs as well as energy related legislative and environmental issues. These emails may be sent by Spire or third parties.
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(See picture below for reference)
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From the approved list below, select your potential Spire HVAC provider.
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Which reason below best describes why you elected to participate in the Spire PAYS program? (select one)
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Which following method best describes how you found out about the Spire PAYS program? (select one)
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To establish a baseline from which to evaluate your home's potential for energy savings through the Spire PAYS program, you understand and consent to share past and present energy use from your home with all affiliated implementers.
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I grant the Program Operator the right to access the premises, at scheduled and mutually agreed upon times, to perform initial visit and cost effectiveness assessment and hold harmless or Spire, Program Operator and their Representatives from and against all Claims arising in connection with the Program.
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If you can accept a last minute opening, please indicate your general availability. You don’t have to accept the appointment if we call you but if you do, we will give you a $25 Amazon Gift Card to thank you for your last minute availability.
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